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My projects


CERN E-learning guidelines

This project is a documentation that I have created in order to provide a single, clear procedure for creating e-learning and training content at CERN.

Bilingual documentation Note: this documentation is published on CERN's internal gitlab. The current public version reflects the state of the guidelines as they stood until June 2023.


There were no guidelines for creating e-learnings at CERN. This documentation reflects the type of content I would have liked to receive in my first days in the job.

This documentation contains help on designing SCORM e-learning modules, for example created using Storyline or Captivate. There are also pre-built, ready-to-use module templates. Finally, there are elements on how to create videos using the recording studio that I set up for the HR-LD team.


This documentation is aimed at a potentially non-expert audience, while still being usable by expert users.

Visually, the Material theme from MKDOCS is used. It is easy to use and is commonly used in other CERN documentation.


The documentation is written in Markdown and published on the Gitlab instance internal to the CERN network. Markdown is already used by the CERN HR-LD team and Gitlab is the standard platform for deploying such documentation at CERN.

This documentation was produced with respect for the tools already in place and the users' prior knowledge.

CERN Data Privacy

This is currently the only module I have produced that does not contain confidential information and for which I have received permission to publish the content here.

English version

French version


The aim of this e-Learning is to make all CERN staff (over 15,000 people) aware of the organisation's specific data protection rules. CERN issues its own rules and the CERN Data Protection Office (ODP) has commissioned this e-Learning module.

This e-Learning module is compulsory for anyone working on the CERN site.


The colour code was imposed by CERN's Data Protection Office. The e-Learning module was part of a communication campaign that already had a defined branding.

As the module was compulsory for over 15,000 people, it had to be short. The target duration was 15 minutes. Put end to end, the audio tracks last around 11 minutes. Users take between 10 and 15 minutes to complete the module, according to the data collected in the LMS.


The course was created using Articulate Storyline 3. The graphics were produced using inkscape and the audio was recorded using my Shure SM7B microphone and Audacity software. I recorded myself in both languages.

Given the scale of the project and the number of people involved as experts and reviewers, the project lasted 11 months until it was finally put online. In November 2023, one year after going online, the published version has not yet been updated and is still up to date.

Post mortem

The module has received generally positive feedback. Few bugs were reported and these were mainly related to the safari browser on Mac machines. 95% of CERN staff have completed the course. The remaining users are either newcomers or will receive reminders until the module is completed.

Given that there were more than 10 people involved in the design and review of the module, the effort required to complete the development of the module was spread over 11 months and was the subject of meticulous discussions.

The final product meets the requirements of CERN's ODP and is fully functional.


You can find personal projects on my repository

This website, which serves as my calling card as well as my experimentation with mkdocs and writing documentation in markdown.


Group project to develop an educational video game during the MALTT master's course (UNIGE). This game was designed with the help of Clickteam fusion and is aimed at people suffering from aphasia.


Live chat application based on Node.js technology, supported in particular by the library. Project carried out during the MALTT master's degree (UNIGE).


I have very little opportunity to use my knowledge of C programming professionally. This repo is a way for me to refresh and develop my knowledge. I used the [Project Euler] site ( to find exercises.


As with C, I don't have the opportunity to use C# professionally, let alone outside of the Unity game engine. So I've continued to solve Project Euler problems in C#.

Game jams

A game jam is an event similar to a hackathon. For a limited time, usually 48 hours, participants create a game based on a theme revealed at the start of the game jam. The medium is free: board game, video game, augmented reality, etc.

I took part in several editions of the Global Game Jam and several editions of the Epic Game Jam.

Beetroot Kong

Project page

A platform game based on the first "Donkey Kong" game on the Nintendo Entertainment System (1983). Complete the course 4 times while avoiding the radioactive elements to win the game.

Developed with the Unity game engine

Made in 48 hours during the Global Game Jam 2023 at HEPIA Geneva (Switzerland).

I drew the characters using infinite painter on Android tablet.


Project page

A survival game on a space station. Use tools to repair the station and survive as long as possible. 0G movements and tools flying everywhere.

Developed with the Unity game engine.

Made in 48 hours during the Global Game Jam 2020 at HEPIA Geneva (Switzerland).

I created the 3D models and textures for the tools and environments using Blender.

From Lapinou with Pain

Project page

A puzzle game in which you control Lapinou, a cute little pink rabbit whose world has been invaded by the evil god Boringness.

The video game was made in 45 hours at the Epic Game Jam (Neuchâtel, Switzerland) with 5 other people using Unreal engine 4.

I created the 3D model and textures of the rabbit in Blender. I drew the other lore-related images with Krita.

Home Sweet Home (Premium Bunker Edition)

Project page

A survival game where you are trapped in your own bunker after a bomb explodes in your neighbourhood. Manage your resources and energy to live as long as possible.

Developed with Unreal Engine 4.

Made in 48 hours at HEPIA Geneva (Switzerland) during the Global Game Jam**.

I created the map and environment objects with Blender.

Holy Duck!

Project page

A metroidvania* platform game where a little cane must acquire new powers to join his panda friend.

Made in 45 hours at the Epic Game Jam 5, Neuchâtel (Switzerland) with Godot Engine.

I created all the sprites for the platforms and environments using Gimp. I also designed the first zone of the game.

Tjugum Over and Out

Project page

A point and click story set in a dystopian society where an AI controls everything people do.

Made in 48 hours at HEPIA Geneva (Switzerland) during the Global Game Jam with Godot Engine.

I made all the wallpapers using Blender for the design and Gimp for the colouring.

Epic Space Turbo Panic: Do your spacemarine job or just blame the others!

Project page

A party game where players must keep their spaceship in one piece until it reaches a safe planet.

Made in 45 hours at Epic Game Jam 4, Neuchâtel (Switzerland) with Unity Game Engine.

I created all the background objects and dust clouds using Gimp. I also designed the spaceship.